Sunday, July 26, 2015


After a great visit in Virginia it was time for our biggest adventure of the summer, a Disney cruise to Alaska.  The first stop was Vancouver, the starting point for the cruise and where we were going to meet back up with Jeff.  We had a great reunion at the Vancouver airport with running and hugging, and then we had a day in Vancouver to do some sight seeing.  We spent most of our time at Stanley Park.

We did a great walk through the forest trails.

My mom was in awe of the size of the trees.

We also got to see totem polls

and ride a miniature train.

The next day we walked down to the port to check on our ship before sailing.

After a pretty smooth boarding process we could look at things from the other side.

Elena loved it, and didn't appreciate being interrupted for photos.

Vivian toasted our sailing with apple juice, and we were off!

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