Monday, July 27, 2015


Our first port of call on the Disney cruise was Skagway, Alaska.  Our daily brochure told us that the population of Skagway was 800, and over 500,000 people visit on cruise ships annually.

It's a one street town.

Our ship looked good in its harbor.

We weren't the only cruise ship in town, but nature seemed to be okay with that and graced us with a rainbow which we saw at breakfast.

Disney has a partnership with many of the businesses in Skagway, and I had signed the four of us up for a visit to Liarsville, a kid friendly gold rush town, where you could pan for gold.  Judy thought that sounded pretty good, so she came with us too.

We got on a bus and drove through the town and then out of town to the camp.  When we got off the bus we were greeted by music, cookies, and warm apple cider.

Then we got to watch a puppet show telling the story of a man and his dog who went looking for gold, only to realize that the real treasure was at home.  It was cute.

At the end of the show, they taught us how to pan for gold, and then sent us off to try our luck.

They assured us that each pan was pre-loaded with gold flakes, but getting to them was not as easy as they made it look.  Luckily, Judy and Vivian managed to work together and get the gold out.

Elena and I had been touring around the camp, and Vivian excitedly ran over to show us her find.

Elena was not overly impressed.  Vivian celebrated her find with roasted marshmallows and more apple cider.  We also found a bear and had some fun posing for pictures.

It turns out we picked a great spot to hang out.  First Chip came by on his way out of the camp, and he and Viv had a little talk.

He tried to climb up a tree, and his handler had to pull him off, which was pretty funny.  Then, a few minutes later, Donald came sauntering into camp.  Vivian of course ran right up to him, hugged him, and started talking.  You could tell that his handler was trying to move him to the photo spot.

Donald wordlessly came up with a solution.  He took Vivian's hand and off they went.  We did our best to capture them in motion.

When they got to the photo spot, she was the first one to get her picture taken with Donald.

She ended up being more excited about her Donald encounter than her gold find.  The final fun stop was a salmon bake.

The salmon was delicious.  They also had mac and cheese and black olives, so Vivian was happy too.

When we got back to the ship, I took Elena to the nursery for nap time.  Jeff and Vivian went to a movie, and I had the afternoon to myself.  I wandered around the town and did some shopping, and then I found a comfy chair in the adults only area and read my book.  It was heavenly.

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