Wednesday, July 29, 2015

It's Good to Be Home

After over a month away, it is wonderful to be back in our own house.  The girls were obviously relived too, because we had almost no jet lag symptoms to deal with.  They were both eating and sleeping pretty regularly by the second day.  Elena has been sleeping through the night which she didn't do once the entire time we were gone, so I am a happier person now too.  Both girls have also been eating their fill of familiar food, so we have far fewer hungry/grouchy incidents.  I got a massage the day after we got back, and Jeff has had two so far.  We love living in Thailand.

The challenge now will be keeping Vivian busy.  Luckily, several of her friends are around and more should be showing up in the next week or so.  She's been really good about finding things to do, even if some are a bit out there.  The other day she decided she needed to be "fancy", so she put on a party dress.  Then she worked on building the tallest possible duplo tower.  She had to build it on the dining room table, so that Elena couldn't reach it, but then we were a bit afraid to move it at dinner time.

We managed to slide it to the side, and it lasted over night, but Vivian couldn't leave well enough alone, and when she was trying to add to it the next day, the whole thing came toppling down.

We have a couple weeks left before school starts, and Vivian will have gymnastics camp for three of those days, so I just have to come up with a few more things for her to do, and then we can get back into our regular school routine which will be nice.

We've also had fun meeting new people.  It's weird to be the "old" person, since I still feel like there's so much I don't know.  I guess it's like being a sophomore.  You know more than the freshman, but you're still a long ways from being a senior.  We're all excited to see what this next year will teach us.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you all had a great adventure in the States, and are now enjoying being back at home (click those ruby slipper three times and shout, "There's no place like home!). Not having jet-lag is a glorious thing, isn't it? I think you'll be an awesome mentor to the "new kids", too. You've learned more than you realize, I bet. Just think of all the things you didn't know how to do when you first arrived, and now you're navigating around, keeping everything going smoothly, like an almost-expert! Anyway, welcome home! :-)


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