Sunday, July 26, 2015

Happy Birthday Vivian!

My baby is now seven years old!  It's so hard to get a good handle on her age, because sometimes she acts like a teenager and sometimes she acts like a little kid, but no matter which Vivian manifestation shows up, she is always full of energy and enthusiasm.  She delights me and keeps me on my toes, and this birthday was no exception.

Jeff's mom came to visit for Vivian's birthday, and she and my sister helped me take Vivian out for a big girl celebration the day before her birthday.  My parents were on Elena duty.  Our plan was dinner and a show, so we started with a yummy meal in a fun booth.

The main event was a 360 degree performance of Peter Pan that felt more circus than theater.

It was right next door to a Thai restaurant, which I took as a good omen.  Sure enough, the show was excellent, and everyone enjoyed it.  We even had some time during intermission to pose for silly pictures.

On Vivian's actual birthday, she went to camp where they brought her cupcakes and made a card, and then we had a family and friends birthday dinner at my parents' house, complete with our traditional birthday cake: yellow cake with fresh strawberries and homemade whip cream.  

We missed Jeff, but it was great to have his mom and our Virginia friends to help us celebrate.  I think it's a birthday that Vivian will remember fondly.

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