Sunday, July 5, 2015

Happy Birthday America!

Since we're back in the States for the 4th of July weekend, it seemed appropriate for Vivian to have as many "American" experiences as possible.  Elena got to experience some of it too, starting with patriotic t-shirts.

Vivi got off to the right start by learning to love roller coasters earlier in the week.  The 4th fell on a Saturday this year, so everyone had Friday off, making it a long-weekend celebration.  Since Friday morning was pleasant, I thought we could do an outside activity.  There's a farm nearby that you can go to for free, and they had cow milking scheduled at 10, so Mom and I got the girls in the car and headed over.

Yes, that's a Captain America shirt Elena is wearing.  Girl can be captains too :-)

The best part of the farm trip was watching the employees trying to wrangle the cow into the barn.  She was not in the mood to go in, and she almost tossed them in the mud a couple times, but eventually they managed it.  Then the kids and parents all came in to learn about milking cows.

The kids got the opportunity to pet and milk the cow.  At first, Vivian wasn't going to do either one, but one of the guys who worked at the farm told her the cow was so soft, she should really try, so she did.

She was duly impressed.  Then we walked around for a while, and the girls found a baby goat.

Elena thought the goat was the best thing ever, and had to be bribed to leave.

Luckily, there were some chickens nearby, so she proceeded to cluck at them through the fence.

Vivian wasn't as impressed with the animals, but she did like the tractors.

After our farm adventure, we came home for a rest, because that night was Vivian's next all-American experience, a baseball game.  My sister and her friends had gotten tickets to the Nationals game with fireworks at the end.  My sister also got Vivian a Nationals shirt, and my mom lent her a cap, so she was all decked out and ready for fun.

There was some rain, but Judy had prepared for that.

The baseball game didn't hold Vivian's interest, but the grown ups kept her entertained, so that she could enjoy the win and the fireworks at the end.  She came home exhausted but grinning from ear to ear.

The next day was the actual 4th of July, so we had burgers and hot dogs for lunch, followed by pie and a rest.  During rest time, Judy's friend Ramona taught the girls how to pose for selfies.  Elena tried her best.

That evening I stayed home with Elena, who fell asleep before firework time, and Vivian went with the rest of my family to watch fireworks in Fairfax.  To finish off her all-American 4th of July experience, she got to light sparklers.

She is having a great summer, and I hope it's one she remembers and treasures.

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