Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Awesomeness of a Disney Cruise

Jeff, Vivian, and I did a three night Disney Bahama cruise four years ago, and we've been talking about doing another Disney cruise ever since.  We loved Alaska and thought it was absolutely beautiful, but most of the credit for our fabulous week goes to Disney.  What makes Disney special is their attention to detail and their attention to kids.

The ship was always being cleaned and maintained.

When we came back from dinner each night, we would find a fun towel animal, chocolates, and a brochure with all the activity choices for the next day.

Some of the creations got pretty complex which Vivian appreciated,

but Elena wasn't so sure about.

It was Elena's first cruise, and she settled right into the routine.  She lounged and read,

walked the decks,

and made sure everything was ship-shape.

She and Vivian spent a large part of their time in the kids' clubs.  Vivian had one that she could check in and out of with her RFID bracelet, and there was a nursery for Elena.

They also had a flex room that could be part of the kids club or open for families to come and hang out in together.

Adding to the fun, you could run into Disney characters when you were just walking around.

Some of them though, you had to get tickets for.  The tickets were free, but the princesses were in high demand.  I got tickets for the basic princess gathering pretty easily, and Vivian had a great time talking to each princess.  I actually thought the pictures I got from the conversations were cuter than the posed pictures.

I also got us tickets for a character breakfast. 

I wasn't sure how Elena was going to handle the big characters, but she ended up being really excited and liking them, even though the lighting was a bit spooky.

The hardest ticket to get though, was one for Anna and Elsa.  Their character meet was sold out.  Vivian had brought her Elsa dress on the cruise and kept asking where Elsa was.  I was really afraid that I was going to have a mommy fail moment.  I had some free time, and so I stopped by the guest services desk.  The man there told me that they had just had a cancellation, and they had a ticket available.  I almost jumped across the desk to hug him.  We had to rearrange a few things, but it was worth it for the smile on Vivian's face (Judy was pretty excited too ;-)

Yet another perk of being on a Disney cruise was free movies.  There is a movie theater in the ship, and they showed not only Disney movies, but also Marvel movies, since Disney owns Marvel.  Jeff and Vivian watched the new Avengers movie and Inside Out,

and Jeff and I got to watch Ant Man, since they had special opening weekend showings on the ship.  I don't think I've seen a big summer action movie on its opening weekend since I was college.

Even though the focus is on kids (and kids at heart), there were also special treats for grown ups.  On our first night we had a grown ups only dinner at the on board Italian restaurant.

They knew we were on the cruise to celebrate Jeff's birthday, so he got a special plate.

There was also a special adults only area with a pool, coffee shop, and comfy chairs.  We made good use of the chairs and coffee,

but it really wasn't pool weather.  Some brave souls tried, but the fact that the lifeguards were bundled up should have been a hint to avoid the pool.

Even if we decided to do nothing and just sit in the room, we had a great view.

We definitely picked the best way to explore Alaska.

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