Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Our first Christmas in Thailand was different from any other Christmas we've experienced, but we managed to make it a fun day despite missing family and friends.

The presents were all laid out and the stockings were stuffed.

The big blue elephant toy is a gift from Jeff's mom to Elena.  Once Elena figured out what she could do with it, she was thrilled.

When Elena went down for a nap, Vivian decided to try it out too.

She has dubbed it The Polar Express.

Vivi's elf decided to stay for Christmas day to watch us open presents, and Vivian was so happy to see her.

There were many well received Christmas presents.  We mostly gave books and board games.

But, courtesy of Mimi, there were also the obligatory dolls and stuffed animals.

I got a new addition for my Christmas village, the Globe Theater.

We spent most of the morning enjoying our new Christmas presents, and then we got dressed up for Christmas dinner which was beef stew and ham for the people with teeth.  Elena had bananas.  Some of our neighbors with kids came over to have dinner with us, which made it feel more festive.

Dinner was really just an excuse to have dessert.  In honor of the Christmas colors we had a reddish and a greenish cake, strawberry and key lime.

We also invited over more neighbors.  Most of the kids had strawberry and most of the adults had key lime.  It was nice because the kids could play while the adults rested a bit from a hectic day that had started way too early.  Our guests all left by 7:30, but Vivian was so wired from her exciting day that it took another hour for her to wind down and be ready to go to bed.  Elena had a fun first Christmas, and Vivian clearly had a great day, so overall we deemed it a success.

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