Monday, September 22, 2014

Lazy and Crazy

After our Thursday Ocean World excitement, we ended up having a pretty tame weekend.  Jeff took Friday off , which was very nice.  He and Vivi went to the pool a couple times over the weekend.

Mom, Jeff, and I spent quite a bit of time rewatching old episodes of Downton Abbey.  Turns out we'll get it on the local TV on UK schedule, so it starts tonight, yay!  We're recording it, and then it looks like I'm going to have a whole bunch of ladies over on Sunday for a viewing party.  A lot of people didn't get local cable, so they won't have it at their house.  It should be fun, but we might have to move the television into the living room to make space for everyone.

On Saturday, we tried to go to the Paulaner beer garden for lunch, but it turns out they're only opened for dinner.  Since this is our second attempt to go eat there, I'm sure our next one will be a success.  We opted for the good old Nichada Club again.  Vivi likes the pasta, and she gets to feed the lake fish afterwards, so it works.

I spent a large part of the weekend finishing up my reading for one of my classes.  I'm reading Tinkering Towards Utopia, which is a book about the history of educational reform.  It's an easy and interesting read, but it was hard to balance getting through the book with family time.  A couple times I just went to my room and closed the door, but of course Vivi came looking for me.  She was good though.  She got her iPad and lay down on the bed next to me to play quietly while I read.  It was actually kind of nice to have company.

I finished up my written response to the book this morning and then managed to catch the last part of the After the Boxes meeting on medical and travel.  I got tons more handouts and ideas.  I'll have to process it all slowly.

After that, I took Mom to the Three Mangoes for lunch.  She's been asking about it since she got here, and I think she thoroughly enjoyed the food and the experience.  We even got a piece of tiramisu to go.

When we left the house, we had to squeeze the car out between two big moving vans since both my across the street neighbor and my next door neighbor got their sea freight today.  I'm kind of jealous and kind of not, because I only want about half the stuff that's coming.  The other half is just going to be a pain to deal with.  Oh well.  It'll happen eventually.

After lunch, I had a little bit of time to get ready to tutor.  After tutoring, I had to go pick Vivi up from her play date with a new friend.  She's the daughter of a German couple, and she only speaks a little English, but she and Vivi seem to get along great.  The mom actually grew up in the States and speaks fluent English, so I was surprised when I found out she was German.  She and I have crossed paths at several of the newcomer functions and she's very nice, so I was glad that the girls got along too.  They have a house that's even bigger than ours and has its own pool, so Vivi got to go swimming again today.  She was very pleased, but it was hard to get her to leave.  When we finally got on the road, I realized we had forgotten her backpack.  I turned around to head back to her friend's house, only to see them coming towards us in their golf cart waving her backpack.  We had a good laugh about it.

We got home, had dinner, and then I wanted to take Vivian to the pharmacy.  She's had a rash on the inside of her elbow that I think is eczema, and I wanted to get something for it.  We also stopped by the grocery store, and then when I got home, I went over to a neighbor's house to work on a school magazine article with her.  I feel like our weekend was lazy and today was crazy.  Tomorrow Mom and I are going to attempt Chinatown, so I'd better call it a night.  I've got another crazy day tomorrow!

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