Monday, May 2, 2016

So many fun things to do!

We love our vacations, but daily life in Bangkok is pretty awesome too.  The weekend after spring break, the Girl Scouts had a sleepover at the aquarium downtown.  There were the usual dealing with crazy elements of a field trip, but there were a lot of cool parts too.  Our favorite part was sleeping in the glass tunnel with all the sharks and fish swimming by.

We also loved the boat with a glass cut out,

getting to eat dinner and do a craft in front of the shark tank,

and having the aquarium all to ourselves after closing.

There was enough excitement to wear the girls out, and they were actually asleep by midnight, a new record for our troop!

The following weekend I was back downtown, but this time for some grown up girl fun.  My friends and I have been talking about the Sukhothai Hotel's legendary chocolate buffet high tea for months, and that was the weekend we all had open to go experience it.  We knew we were going to have a great time when we saw the chocolate trolley.

There was also a full dessert buffet, with chocolate in pretty much everything and trays of melted dark, milk, and white chocolate for dipping or drizzling over anything that wasn't chocolate enough already.

Oh yeah, there was also a table of savories.

Actually, those were pretty good.  We decided to be responsible and start with that table.

I got a kick out of the cucumber sandwich being wrapped in a slice of cucumber.  The black thing is egg salad in a "charcoal bun." I'm not sure who thought this was a good idea, but it tasted good.  

After a quick savory course, we started attacking the dessert table.  I was kind of disappointed because the only scones they had were green tea and mango flavored.  They were this funky green color with chunks of mango in them.  I'm not really a fan of green tea flavored anything that's not actually tea, but I couldn't have high tea without scones.  Luckily, they had clotted cream and strawberry jam, so I dolloped some on, and then it all tasted pretty good.  I tried to take a picture of my first dessert plate, but there was a lot of light and reflection stuff going on, so it's a bit of a weird picture.

We each took a couple runs at the desserts, but we saved the best for last, the chocolate trolley.  This was run by a man in full chef's gear with a big white hat.  He told us he was originally from Switzerland, and then he explained all of the different kinds of chocolate to us and let us try them.  It was a full on chocolate tasting!  Once we settled on our favorites, he melted them down into a cup of delicious hot chocolate.  Yum!

We had originally discussed inviting our husbands along on this decadent outing, but when they heard the words "high tea" they all turned us down.  Their loss ;-)  Jeff actually ended up showing up for a little bit though.  He was downtown with some friends of his on his own adventure that Saturday.  He went to experience the Bangkok version of Comic Con.

Some of the things were what you would expect to find at a Comic Con, like the Iron Throne,

and crazy Walking Dead fans.

Then Jeff got to the Star Wars section,

and the fact that we live in Asia began to be apparent. 

Then it got weirder.  Jeff said he thinks these ladies are famous, but he's not sure.

The weird award though, has to go to Bananas in Pajamas.  Yes, it's a real thing.

Jeff spent a few fun hours there, and then took the BTS over to where we were stuffing our faces with chocolate and caught a ride home with us.  

He kept the comic book theme going the next day, and took Vivian to see Captain America: Civil War in first class style. Yes, he has two Captain America shirts, and Vivian is wearing her Black Widow shirt which she put on at 6:00am, about the time she started asking, "Is it time to go to the movie yet?"

Don't worry, Elena gets out too.  Her new favorite thing is to come to ISB with me and have a strawberry banana smoothie while we wait for Vivi.

She has fun at home too.  She's very into lining things up.

She especially likes it when she gets everything to herself, like the TV and Vivian's basketball.

It's  good life here for all of us :-)

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, sleeping among sharks! How cool! But really, you had me at "chocolate buffet". That is pure genius! So glad you had fun!


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