Saturday, May 21, 2016

Lazy Long Weekend

This Friday was a holiday, so we had a long weekend, but Jeff had to travel for work this past week, so he really just wanted to be at home.  That's fine for everyone except for miss social butterfly Vivian.  Luckily, plenty of her friends were in town, so we were able to schedule a play date a day in addition to her usual neighborhood wanderings.

Jeff's flight actually arrived on Friday morning around 4:00am, so he wasn't up for much that day.  I had been waiting on him to watch the new episode of Game of Thrones, and once we got Vivian off to her play date and Elena down for a nap, we were able to watch the new episode.  Game of Thrones is not a show I would have thought I would like, but I'm completely addicted, and this new season has been great so far.  I told Jeff that it was a sign of my love that I waited for him, but I also confessed that the one time I didn't wait for him, a major character got his eyes gouged out and his head crushed.  I was traumatized and alone, so I'm now a bit afraid to watch Game of Thrones without Jeff.  This new episode featured several traumatic deaths as well, but at least some of them were people we wanted to see die.  As I'm thinking about it, this show is so incredibly violent, I really don't know why I like it.  I just know I do.  Weird but true.

Saturday was a much more peaceful day.  I gave Jeff the morning off, and the girls and I went downtown with some friends to the Funarium.  Vivian has been a couple times for birthdays, but this was Elena's first trip.  No surprise, she loved it, especially the ball area, where there's a vacuum and the balls get sucked up the tube.

We got there pretty close to opening time, so it wasn't too crowded.  Elena contentedly put balls up the tube undisturbed for at least half an hour.  She eventually figured out that when the vacuuming sound stops, that means all the balls are going to fall from the big container on the ceiling.  She took this in stride, pushed the button to start the vacuum again, and kept cleaning up the balls.  Love my little OCD baby.

She tried the super big slide, but was a bit traumatized by it, so I transferred her over to the toddler section.  Everything was softer and smaller there.  She even found big blocks like the ones at Legoland.

There was a Funarium employee in charge of the area who was infatuated with Elena and wanted to play with her and squeeze her cheeks.  Elena tolerated the attention when she realized that this admirer would also bring her more blocks and help her stack them really high.  They had fun playing until the woman's shift was over.  It seemed like a good time to break for lunch.

Not unexpectedly, Elena wanted to have whatever Vivian was having for lunch, so they each got a juice box and chicken nuggets.  Elena rejected the french fries, which she usually likes.  I don't know if she just didn't like these ones or if she's realized that Vivian doesn't like french fries and has therefore decided they are an unacceptable food.

One of the best parts about the food area is that it had a direct sight line to the toddler play area, so we could do lunch and the kids could come and go as they pleased.  

Elena's favorite part of the play area was the little obstacle course.

I understood that, but I could not understand her fascination with the rolling pads.  She went back and forth through them over and over.

I kept waiting for her to face plant, but she's got skills and got out cleanly every time.  When she got worn out, she watched her friend be silly in the ball pit.

After a few hours, the grown ups were getting tired, even if the kids weren't.  The timing was good though, because there were a couple kids (not ours) who threw up right about then, and we were able to convince the big kids that this meant we should leave.  As far as we can tell we dodged the vomit bug bullet, which is a relief.

Both the girls had excellent appetites for our Sunday brunch excursion to Waft Me, the waffle place I went to earlier in the week.

We had to go about a mile out of our way, because we could only get to it by making a u-turn, but it still took less than ten minutes.  The girls liked the set up with a sofa right next to a window wall.

Vivian got a plain waffle with vanilla ice cream, honey, strawberries, and peaches.

We didn't order anything for Elena, but since this is Thailand and she's a cute kid, they brought her a free waffle.

It's good that they did, because it turned out that she loved it.  She also enjoyed sharing my bananas coated in raspberry sauce (that's what's on the corner of her mouth).  The only person who was less than thrilled with the meal was Jeff who insisted on ordering eggs.  We pointed out that he should have ordered a waffle.  He argued that waffles with ice cream was not breakfast or brunch.  Vivian decided we should call it bressert, and we all agreed, so Waft Me is now our official bressert spot.

It's been a great family weekend, and we're happy to have Jeff at home with us.

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