Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Louvre and Notre Dame

We had a very French 4th of July this year.  We started our day with a treasure hunt at the Louvre.  I used a family tour company to arrange for a guide to take us through with highlights and a treasure hunt for Vivian.  I figured since we were going to a huge tourist destination in the busiest tourist season, it would make things smoother to have someone with us who really knew her way around.  Plus, then we had someone to take a family picture for us :-)

The girls got up super early again, 5 instead of 4 this time, so I activated iPads.

Once it got to a reasonable hour, we took the metro (aka, the stairmaster disguised as a public transportation system) to the Louvre from our apartment.  When we got out, both Jeff and Vivian went into full photographer mode.

We found our guide who already had tickets for us (yay, no standing in line!) and in we went.  We got our picture near the pyramid and then began the stairmaster that is the Louvre.  You can understand why the French are in such good shape, but it's a REAL pain when you have a toddler and a stroller.  Our guide was great about helping us collapse and uncollapse the stroller.  She found us a nice place to sit while she told us about the history of the Louvre as a building.

Vivian had an activity workbook to fill out.  Each place we stopped had clues to solve which gave her another letter for her final solution.  After learning about the building, we moved on to ancient Egypt.

The animal display was perfect for Elena.  It was right at her height, and, of course, she loves animals.  She was equally at home when we got to ancient Greece, just casually leaning against the information sign.

Elena and I skipped the stairs up to Nike.  

Instead, I gave Elena her Emirates panda drawing device, so that she could work on her Louvre inspired masterpiece.

Our guide had lots of interesting tidbits to share.  One thing she had us do was walk around to the uncrowded back of the Venus de Milo to see the seam where the piece of marble had been joined together.  It's hidden in the folds of her skirt.

Elena was a little upset that most of the statues seemed to be missing parts.  Her reaction to Venus de Milo: "Where her arms??"  But once she figured out that missing parts were the norm, she moved on to admiring the shapes on the marble floor.

Famous statues, who cares? She found circles!

In the painting gallery we managed to wrangle her back in to the stroller, because it was super crowded especially near the Mona Lisa.  She went back to her drawing.

There was a big line to get close to the Mona Lisa, so Jeff picked Vivian up and walked her back and forth behind the crowds, so that she could see how the Mona Lisa's eyes followed her.  Vivi was duly impressed.  

She finally managed to solve all her clues and earn her treasure.

It ended up being a book about the Louvre, the perfect treasure for Vivian.

After we exited, Jeff got a picture of Vivian showing that she had the Louvre in the palm of her hand ;-)

After all that walking and climbing up and down stairs, we were ready for some food.  We found a little cafe a couple blocks away and settled in for an extended lunch.  Vivian wasn't sure what she would like, so Jeff ordered pesto and I ordered roast chicken, and she ate bites from each of ours.  She discovered that she really likes French roast chicken.

Elena totally zonked out in the stroller, so we were able to enjoy a leisurely lunch while she napped.  We had a great view from our seats, so we taught Vivian about the art of people watching.

Eventually it was time to move on.  Our plan was to walk along the Seine to Notre Dame.  Vivian was getting a bit tired, but then we got to the river,

and as we were crossing the bridge, she caught her first sight of the Eiffel Tower.  Her whole face lit up, and she was fully revitalized.

We had a beautiful walk through the historic area and finally made our way to Notre Dame.

Vivian was tired again, but brightened up for selfie time.

We walked all the way around to admire the back.

There were also lovely gardens around it.

I love the boxy trees that grow together to make shaded paths.

Vivian got a kick out of the Vivian sized tree.

On our way to the metro, we found a carousel and a man making huge bubbles, more fun for the girls.

It was a great way to end our day's adventures.  We took the metro home, stopped at our boulangerie for a baguette, and had a relaxed evening at the apartment.  It was a great Parisian day :-)


1 comment:

  1. Oh, that picture of Vivian and Jeff both taking pictures at the same time is priceless! Looks like you had a great day at the Louvre- love that Elena (who, by the way, I think is looking more and more like your mom!) was more impressed by the circles on the floor. Ha. You gotta love kids. They have such a "but that emperor has no clothes!" (or in this case, statues with no limbs) attitude when it comes to art, don't they! They're the best.


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