Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Veterans' Day at the Beehive

Jeff and I are learning to treasure the American holidays when he's off, but Vivian has school.  Young takes over Elena care, and Jeff and I can have the day to ourselves.  Since Jeff is a veteran, he got to choose the day's activities.  He mostly wanted to relax, but was up for exploring the new shopping center near our house.  It's called Beehive Lifestyle Mall, and yes, there are bees and hexagons.

We walked around to see what was there.  A lot of the spaces were still under construction, but the usual suspects were there, a supermarket, a pharmacy, lots of restaurants, and of course, plastic surgery clinics.  After shopping at the mall near our house, I was beginning to get used to the idea of plastic surgery in a mall, but then I saw the Snow White Clinic.

I'm really hoping they just didn't read the story, and it's not that they are trying to kill me with their procedure to preserve my youth and beauty.  Yikes!

The other weird part about the mall is that the sidewalk ends and across the street, you have the more traditional Thai shopping experience, a street market.  

After wandering and taking pictures, we had lunch at The Wine Connection.  The food was fine, but eating out has lost most of its appeal, since we have Young to take care of us.  Still, it was nice to go out for an adventure.

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