Monday, August 25, 2014

Magazine Planning

Jeff and Vivi went to the pool both days this weekend, and Jeff took this beautiful selfie of the two of them on the way home.

I made tomato sauce as best I could on Sunday and got hit by a massive wave of homesickness in the kitchen.  I miss MY kitchen.  Even though this one is probably twice the size of the one I have at home, I like my stove with the smooth surface and my deep sink with a garbage disposal and a detachable nozzle to spray down pans.  I know I have no true complaints about my life here, but I think it finally became real yesterday, and it made me sad.

Jeff, ever the awesome husband, cheered me up be rewatching episodes from last season's Downton Abbey with me.  I've been trying to figure out how to get it here on the UK schedule.  It's still a work in progress, but I've got a month.

I really didn't want to go walking this morning, because I was still in a funk, but I knew it would make me feel better, so I dragged myself out the door.  It worked.  Eighty minutes of walking and talking is highly therapeutic.

After my walk, I had to rush to get cleaned up, so that I could be at ISB by 9:00am.  I volunteered to help out with the school magazine, Touchstone, and today was the first meeting.  The quarterly magazine is put together by the PTA and booster club.  I volunteered blindly and ended up in charge of coordinating the middle school section.  I think it will help me get a feel for the school, which will come in handy if there end up being any openings I'm interested in.  The meeting ran two and a half hours, which was pushing my attention span, but it was intriguing to see the similarities and differences between this school and the ones I'm used to dealing with in the States.

Most of the articles are write ups of school-wide events that teachers/sponsors will do, but I suggested doing an article on the databases available from the school library (mostly because I'm curious about this myself), so I'm excited to talk to the school librarian about it.  I know, geekfest ;-)

The afternoon was spent playing with Elena again.  She's been rolling and grabbing things, and this afternoon she grabbed her activity mat and rolled herself right up.

I was laughing so hard, I barely managed to take the picture.


  1. Oh, those are such great pictures! I'm sorry you're getting your homesickness funk today. It will ebb and flow until it only pops up once in a while, I'm sure. Everything will feel like your new normal eventually, I promise. Good for you managing it all by walking, too! Exercise is always a great mood-booster, so it's a win-win. :-) Love you!

  2. We miss you too...but with all this social is like you are right next door....even if your kitchen isn't.


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