Sunday, February 27, 2022

KidZania Malaysia Style

Vivian LOVED KidZania when we were in Bangkok, and when we found out there was one here in KL as well, she really wanted to show it off to Elena.  I told her we could go once it was two weeks after Elena's second vaccination shot, and so our last "winter" break activity was a trip to KidZania, which, of course, is clear on the other side of KL.  I decided that in order to be a better mother, I would not stress myself out by driving, and we got lucky with very friendly Grab drivers both there and back.

The tickets had to be purchased online and everything set up on my phone before we could go in, which was a REAL hassle, so I was extra grateful that I hadn't driven.  Getting lost in KL and dealing with filling in all that information on my phone only to have it erased so that I had to reenter it would probably have done me in.

But finally, we were all set, and the girls could enter the land where kids rule.

Our first stop was the bank, because we had learned in the Bangkok one to do everything with the debit card, so that the kids don't lose the paper money.  It also seemed more hygienic.

It should have tipped me off that the bank wasn't affiliated with a real bank.  As a point of comparison, this was Vivian at the one in Bangkok many moons ago.

It turned out that this KidZania had a cash based economy, but that didn't stop the girls from having a great time trying out all different kinds of jobs.  Elena had seen the ambulance, and went right for the doctor training.

They both wanted to do the grocery store, so they took turns being the customer and the cashier.

They also had a lot of fun doing the news together.

I was so impressed with Elena.  She read the new from a teleprompter, and I think it was the ACTUAL news, full of big words about politics and economics.

Viv had fun with the weather, but Elena couldn't resist making a cameo appearance.

After that, they both got medical at the hostpital.

Viv was ready for a break then, but Elena wanted to try out remote controlled robots and vitamin pill chemistry.

The last thing Elena wanted to do before we left was the car driving, but before you can drive a car, you have to get a driver's license.  In a great representation of the adult bureaucratic system, there were multiple steps to this process, which had to be completed in order.  First, you had to go to the optometrist and pass an eye exam.  Then, you had to go to the DMV to take a simulated driving test.  Most of the kids seemed to have failed the driving test, but were given the license anyway.  I feel like this explains a lot about the driving we have seen in Malaysia.

Elena proudly took her paperwork to the driving area and got in a car. 

She then proceeded to drive the wrong way down one way streets at every possible opportunity.

Vivian and I were off to the side waving our arms and screaming, no! no! The other way!  Luckily, she didn't have any major collisions, and it was a fun way to end the day.

That was the last Friday of their "winter" break.  Over the weekend, Vivian went one more time to check in on the cats she was cat sitting for.

We played a few more games.

And then Monday morning, bright and early, the girls got on the bus to go back to school.

While the vacation was fun, it's definitely nice to be back in our routines.

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