Monday, August 2, 2021

Dogman, Dentist, and Dragon Fruit

We have one week of summer vacation left, so I'm trying to keep the girls busy and take care of as much as possible before we get swept up in school.  While we were in quarantine, I attended an online Usborne book party that one of my friends hosted, and last week, the books arrived.

Books for everyone! Of course, when it rains, it pours, so the next day the set of Dogman books I had ordered for Elena arrived.  She has been spending a big part of her day reading every day.

Even Vivian, who has become a reluctant reader, has been enjoying her new book.  We've also been enjoying watching the Olympics.  All we have is the small TV we put in air freight, which Jeff insists is not big enough, but it works just fine for our new favorite sport, synchronized diving.

Of course, we're rooting for the U.S., but we were super excited to see the Malaysian diving team.

We also distracted ourselves with personality tests.  I'm an INFJ, Jeff is an INTJ, but Vivian seems to have changed from an ENFP to an ENFJ, making her even more my mini-me.  Elena insisted on doing it too.  We figured she's too young, but we helped her through it, and then cracked up when she came out ENTJ, Jeff's mini-me.

I also took advantage of our new car and our free time to take the girls to the dentist for the first time in over a year.  We found one near the embassy, so I was able to finally get the picture I wanted of the front.

The waiting area at the dentist's was very space age looking, but the background music playlist was anything but.  Elena wanted to know why so many of the songs had "love" in them.

The dentist was friendly and relaxed, and she offered Elena special sunglasses so that the light they were shining to see into her mouth wouldn't bother her eyes.  Elena was thrilled.

When it was Vivian's turn, you could tell that she was hoping for shades too, just slightly more sophisticated ones.  She was not disappointed.  She looked super cool.

We are going to have a follow up appointment with the orthodontist who works in the practice in a couple weeks, because it's that time.  Jeff and I have appointments with the dentist later this week, and I'm dreading it, because I'm sure there'll be something I need done.  In the meantime, I'm trying to enjoy the last bit of summer, and today Noby brought me a treat, dragon fruit.

It looks pretty wild on the outside.

The inside has a consistency sort of the like the inside of a kiwi, complete with little black seeds.  The flesh can be either white or this bright magenta color.  Noby said the magenta one is sweeter, so that's what she got me.  When she had cut it up, it looked a bit gory, but it tasted yummy.

It was a great morning treat, and a reminder to focus on the positives of living in Malaysia and not let covid get me down.

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