Sunday, October 6, 2019

Relaxing in Villeta

Once the school year got into full swing, things got crazy busy.  I finally managed to get pseudo "first day" pictures of the girls a few weeks into the school year.

They also started Girl Scouts this year, since Elena is now old enough to be a Daisy.  Maybe in another month I'll get a picture of them in their vests.  Needless to say, by September, I was very ready for a break.  Luckily, we have some proactive friends who found a beautiful finca to rent in Villeta, so we had a light at the end of the tunnel to look forward to.  The girls and I left a bit early on a Friday, went home and picked up Jeff, clothes and food, and then got on the road for a weekend out of the city.

The best part about Villeta is that it's fairly close to Bogotá, but still far enough down the mountain to be warm. The worst part is getting out of the damn city, which took an hour. But then we were driving along a nice, pothole free road through the beautiful mountains. The house itself turned out to be incredible. It was at the top of its own little hill with a lovely infinity pool, plenty of living space and huge bedrooms with en suite bathrooms.

Each bedroom had the same set up, so it was perfect to split with families.

This was the view from our bedroom.

We were a little less sure about the view from the shower, but there was no one around, so it turned out to be fine.

The pool and main living area were at the top of the property, and then there were bedrooms and a sauna father down.  The girls got right into their bathing suits, while the adults explored and worked on dinner.

It was fantastic open air living, and the weather was just perfect.  The black cat was also a big hit with the kids.  Can you see him under the table?

The next day, it was right back in the pool, and we joined the girls as well.

There were seven kids total, and they had a great time playing together, both in the pool and out of it.

It was one boy's birthday, and his family had brought a piiñata, which the kids made short work of.

They had also brought a drone to get some cool pictures.  The kids were fascinated by it.

I took some time to walk around the property and appreciate the flowers.

There was a little path off to one side that led to a fancy fire pit.

We took advantage of the area that night to roast s'mores, sing happy birthday and eat some cake.

I'm not sure if it was pool water or the over the top amount of sugar consumed throughout the day, but that night, Elena started throwing up and proceeded to throw up every hour or so.  Jeff and Vivian slept through it, but Elena and I had quite a night together.  She was starting to feel better by the morning, and her biggest worry was that we were going to have to leave, because she "loved this house so much".  Jeff and I were worried about her though, so we figured the best course of action was to hope for a break in the throwing up and head home as soon as possible.

She threw up once in a bag in the car, but was total champ about the whole thing.  Once we got home, we got her some pedialyte, and she didn't throw up again.  It was a rough way to end a great vacation, but we all agreed that it was a wonderful weekend, and we all want to go back as soon as possible.  We'll just keep a better eye on what Elena is eating.

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