Saturday, July 21, 2018

Hershey Park

Vivian has been asking if we can go to an amusement park this summer, so I was trying to think of one that was fairly low maintenance and would be fun for Elena too.  Hershey had specials where you got extra time at the parks if you were staying in their hotels, and one of the hotels has a pretty elaborate indoor water complex, so I got the special and invited some friends along for even more fun.

It was actually raining when we arrived Tuesday afternoon, but that wasn't a big deal, because we could hang out in the indoor pool area.  We had missed lunch though, so we started with food.  Elena had her first hot dog in a bun.  She was very impressed by the combo.

Viv and the older kids went off to zip down the big water slide and play with some of the more adventurous features.  There was a perfect area for Elena to play in right near the table we had, so we ordered beer and sangria and let her play.

The water was pretty cold, so after playing for a couple hours, she asked to get cleaned up and changed back into her clothes.  Viv was still in her bathing suit though with her medal from safely crossing the peanut butter cup challenge when we ran into a "chocolate man" as Elena called him.  She was thrilled.

I was thrilled to discover that the Reese's martini was garnished with actual peanut butter cups, yum!

After a nice dinner with a large part of our group, we took the shuttle over to the park or "chocolate world" (Elena again), for our complimentary preview.  We checked the girls' measurements, and it turned out that Elena was a Hershey Kiss and Vivian was a Twizzler.

Jeff and Vivian wanted to take advantage of the shorter roller coaster lines, so they went off with the big kids while I hung out with Elena.  She might be small, but she has no fear.  Her first choice of ride was the little gondolas that go on wires way above the park.

She basically loved anything that spun her or went fast.  She loved the teacups and kiddie versions of swings and pirate ship.

It was around 10 by the time we got the girls back to the hotel and into bed.  Luckily, they were wiped out, so they had minimal energy for poking each other in their shared bed and fell asleep quickly.

The next morning we got up early and grabbed a quick breakfast before heading back to the park.  Elena promised to eat her banana if we bought her a chocolate muffin.  You can guess how that worked out.

We met up with the rest of our group, including another Hershey Kiss buddy for Elena.

They had fun going on some of the kiddie rides while the older kids went off to roller coaster.

When the big kids came back though, Elena went right along with them on the Tilt-a-Whirl.

She even got Daddy to do a round on the tea cups.

She's still a little short to go on the big drop rides, but she got one of the big kids to come with her on the kid leap frog version, which she loved.

She could smell popcorn everywhere and kept asking for some, so we bought her the smallest bag we could find.

Then our friends gave her the rest of their cotton candy, and the pop corn was promptly forgotten.

We finished off with a walk around the Zoo America area.  We were going to do the "factory tour" before we left, but we were all so wiped out, we opted to just go back to the hotel, pick up the car, and get on the road.  Within ten minutes of getting on the road, this was the back seat.

We felt like leaving when we did was the right call.  Plus, we still had more adventures ahead of us.  We were driving to family friends in New Jersey, and our plan for the next day was to take the train into New York City.  The week of summer adventure was only half done :-)

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