Sunday, July 23, 2017

Breakfast Out and Parque de Virrey

We thought it would be fun to go out for Sunday breakfast.  In our restaurant exploring yesterday, Jeff found a place that was open for breakfast and served pancakes, so we headed there.  Elena has been asking what the Spanish words for things are, which is cute, but she got really mad at me when I told her the Spanish word for pancake is pancake.  She does not deal well with exceptions.  Luckily, she liked the pancakes themselves and the chantilly cream they came with.  She methodically spread the cream all over her pancakes once she realized how yummy it was.

Vivi opted for strawberry sauce on hers.

I ordered a frittata, but what I got wasn't quite what I expected.

Jeff was much happier with his more traditional Colombian breakfast, even though it wasn't spicy.

After our big breakfast, we were ready for a walk, so we headed to a neighborhood park we hadn't tried yet Parque del Virrey.  Vivian had done a read on the weather and warned us that it was sprinkling, so she and Elena both had their raincoats, and Jeff and I had umbrellas.

By the time we were done with breakfast though, it was sunny and warm again, so the raincoats came off.

Sundays are ciclovia days in Bogotá, which means that from 7am to 2pm certain roads in the city are closed to cars, and only bikes and pedestrians are allowed.  On our way to Parque de Virrey, we found a ciclovia road on Carrera 15.

It'll be great when we have bikes and we can ride too.  For now, walking was pleasant, and when we got to the park it was full of people enjoying a beautiful Sunday.  The one downside is that both of the playgrounds that we found were closed off.  We're hoping this is just temporary, because it looked like they had some fun equipment.  Instead, Jeff and the girls made use of the exercise equipment, while I kept an eye on our stuff.

Elena had a little spill on one of the stations, so we took that as our cue to move on.  She was quickly distracted by a man blowing enormous bubbles a little farther into the park.  Jeff got a cool picture of the bubbles floating by.

The guy had other tricks too.  He had a big chain that made lots of bubbles at once.

He also put foam on the kids hands so that they could catch the bubbles.  Vivi was thrilled.

The wind picked up though, and poor Elena couldn't catch one, because they flew by so quickly.  We should have been paying more attention to the wind, because it brought rain with it.  Suddenly the park that had been full of people lounging on the grass cleared out, with clumps of people under trees for cover.  We joined a group under a large tree to get our rain gear back on.  We waited for a bit to see if it would clear, but when it didn't seem likely, we braced ourselves and headed out.  It was raining steadily, but not very hard.  It was mostly like a dense mist.  Elena rode in the stroller for a while with her raincoat over her legs, but she ultimately decided she would be better off walking with her raincoat on "like Vivi."  Vivian, ever the champ, pushed the stroller while Elena and I walked together.

It was our first real Bogotá rain, and it taught us to be prepared.  We've already ordered a rain cover for the stroller, but if Elena wants to walk, we won't get in her way.

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