Sunday, February 12, 2017

Getting the holidays off to a good start

Vivian's winter break lasts three weeks, including the week before and the week after Christmas, so we knew we'd need to have plenty of fun planned.  The fun actually began before the break, since there were lots of holiday themed events going on.

For Girl Scouts, we did neighborhood caroling, a fundraiser at our local Mexican restaurant, and snack prep and cookie decorating at one girl's house.  That was probably Vivian's favorite.

Later that week was her holiday choir concert.  She got in the spirit trying on fancy dresses to see which one would spin the most.

Unfortunately, since she has been going through a determined tomboy phase, most of her fancy dresses are a size too small, and she got dramatic about her ability to breathe.  We finally found one that fit right.  Elena was so impressed by Vivian's fashion show, that she insisted on a fancy dress too, resulting in this adorable picture.

The concert was fun.  I went as family rep, and Jeff stayed home to look after Elena.

Hopefully Elena will be able to manage a concert soon.  She looks up to Vivi so much, but doesn't always understand the sit and watch versus run up and hug.  She is good about sitting and listening when Vivi reads to her though.

Vivian's vacation got off to a good start when I took her to see Moana with a friend.  It was one of her friends who also likes to sing, so the whole golf cart ride home was them singing "How Far I'll Go." At least they were in tune.

That weekend we were back at the mall for a friend's birthday party at Fun Planet, a new place at the top of the mall near the movie theater.  It was a fun party, because families were invited, so there were friends for both girls to play with and plenty to do.

Elena even got in the sand play area with the other kids!

It cracked me up that they had special boots the kids could wear, since they had to take their shoes off before entering the main play area.  Elena's favorite part though, was the cupcake eating.

We decided that Fun Planet was the perfect toddler birthday venue, so that's what we would do for Elena's birthday too.  We finished off a fun evening with dinner at Sizzler's.  The food was so so, but they had a great set up for kids, and Elena ate one of her best restaurant meals.

The next day Jeff and I were back at the mall yet again.  This time to see Rogue One in first class.  We decided not to take Vivian, since she had a complete meltdown at the end of Force Awakens.  We weren't sure exactly how Rogue One was going to end, but in Star Wars they said many people died to bring them the information, so we figured it wasn't going to be pretty.  We really liked the movie, and we definitely made the right call waiting to watch it at home with Vivian.  

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