Friday, February 26, 2016

The Girls

Just a quick update on the insanity that is my children.  Elena has been in full blown terrible twos lately, which has been less than fun.  Several times a day, she starts screaming for no apparent reason, and she uses the word "no" more times a day than I can count.  On the cuter, but still crazy end, the other day she decided she wanted to play in the bathtub and wouldn't come out.

Viv has been an incredible big sister through all of this, and she's often more patient with Elena than Jeff and I are.  She's also been happy to share her toys with Elena, which is a big deal.  Elena discovered Viv's superhero cape and was wearing it around the house, which was cracking us all up.

We shall call her Super Lay Lay.  

She behaved pretty well when Vivian and I took her to story time at the local Bumble Bee library the other day, so that was a relief.  They had lots of books for her to look at, and she didn't care if they were in English or Thai, so she was happy.

The activity of making your own paper person was a bit beyond her, but Vivian enjoyed it.

Viv also made a paper version of herself for Girl Scout's World Thinking Day.

It feels like we've had a lot of Girl Scout events lately.  A few weeks ago, Viv had her first camp out.  One of the troop families has an 8 person tent, which they lent us, so that all of the girls could sleep together in one tent.  It was great, except for the mosquitoes.  We were also supposed to make our own dinners using the campfire, so, after some research, I figured foil dinners were our least mess-upable option.  They turned out great, which was a relief, so the girls got some meat and veggies in them before the treat of s'mores for dessert.  We had fun singing camp fire songs, and then less fun trying to get them to actually sleep.  Still, it was all pretty painless, and there were lots of good memories being made.

Vivian has also been trying out basketball.  There's a skills camp on Saturday mornings that she's been doing, and we've actually seen a lot of improvement.  The coaches give an MVP medal for each practice.  Vivian earned one for the first practice when she didn't give up, even though it was hard for her (there were tears when she couldn't get the ball to do what she wanted, but she persevered).  We were proud of her, but she was even prouder of herself.

She had basketball this morning, and then we're going back to school this afternoon to help at the Girl Scout booth for the International Family Fair.  The Girl Scouts are doing a cookie walk instead of a cake walk, because the last couple years, all the frosting melted.  Hooray for Thailand!  It should be a fun time.  

Vivian had a birthday party yesterday, and she has another one tomorrow.  Elena has play dates and music classes.  They definitely keep us busy, but it's the good kind of busy.  Plus, Jeff and I can always recover with a massage in the evening once they're in bed.  The birthday party that Vivian went to last night, included massages for the girls while they watched a movie.  The ladies recognized her from coming to our house and were laughing.  Then two of them showed up here for Jeff and my evening massage, and Vivi escaped from bed to come and say hi to them.  We were cracking up.  Hooray for Thailand ;-)

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