Sunday, November 1, 2015

Happy Halloween!

This year we were better prepared for the crazy community event that is Halloween in Nichada.  I ordered about 700 Starbursts from the States and went to Makro to load up on  large quantities of sweets.  We had also gotten the girls' costumes well ahead of time.  Vivian was torn between being a princess or a super hero, so the obvious solution was Wonder Woman, who is both.

Elena seems to be finishing up her Elmo phase, and is in full on Micky Mouse worship phase.  She especially loves Minnie Mouse, and has been calling Minnie, Elena, so we thought, perfect Halloween costume for her.  One small problem though, she did NOT like wearing the costume.

There were ears and a bow too, but she ripped those off too fast for photographic evidence.  We were merciful and just took a couple quick pictures before liberating her.  Jeff just got back from a trip and he had gotten her a black t-shirt with an elephant on it, so we let that be her Halloween outfit instead.  
Some of our friends had friends from another posting in town, and they had invited them out to Nichada to see the show, but the show in our neighborhood is better than the one in theirs, so we invited them all over to our house.  They brought more huge bags of candy.  We had also invited some people from downtown, so we ended up with a large group of children and adults hanging out in our patio area as we gave away almost 2000 pieces of candy.  Yikes!

We started handing out candy around 5:00 and ran out shortly before 8:00.  I had gone into emergency mode, restocking our bowl with apple sauce squeeze packs, which was actually really well received, but I had to stop because I still needed some for Vivian's snacks.  

The bigger kids went to the haunted house at Secret Garden before trick or treating.  Vivian loved it, her friend seemed fine with it, and the visiting child was too afraid to go in.  They all enjoyed the candy though.

The little guys split their time between the party outside and the air conditioning and toys inside.  By the end of the evening though, they were lying on the floor and telling each other "night, night."

Our one set of friends left, and we got Elena to bed, but we let Vivian stay up late with our other friends to watch Inside Out.  It was a fun Halloween for everyone.

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