Friday, July 25, 2014

Toy Museum!

I'm not sure how this keeps happening, but we had another jam packed day today.  It started with a repeat play date from last week, a boy who will also be going to 1st grade at ISB.  He loves to do dress up and pretend stuff, so he and Vivian are a perfect match.  We've already set something up for next Wednesday.

We came back home for lunch and a bit of a rest, and then Vivian's new adopted family with the four girls came to pick us up to take us to a toy museum.  When this place was first described to me, I wasn't expecting much.  I was told that a Thai family had collected many toys over the years and had finally decided they had so many that they should make a museum out of it.  It sounded pretty basic to me.  Boy was I wrong.  This was the toy collection to end all toy collections.  They collected EVERYTHING.  Here are some pictures, because words cannot do it justice.

Some of the toys (there was a LOT of Disney and Pixar stuff)

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This one totally blew my geek mind.  Can you name all the awesomeness in this case?

You would think that would be enough for one day, and I swear I tried to get Vivian to just relax for a while, but our neighbors were outside drawing with chalk, so of course Vivian HAD to go over and play with them.

In the evening, we had a quick dinner and went to the neighborhood pool to meet our new neighbors.  It was nice to put some faces with names, and I met someone who had just gotten here yesterday, which made me feel like a veteran.  Vivian made friends with the woman's four year old son, so I sense another play date in our future.  She also spent an hour and half in the pool, and still managed to pull a jack-in-the-box act at bedtime.

Tomorrow morning, embassy people are coming to take away furniture we don't want and deliver two of the eight additional things we asked for.  Of course this is happening at the exact same time as the swimming lesson I scheduled for Vivian.  Sigh.  Hopefully this is not a sign of how our weekend will go.  We're having a great time, but I need some actual rest.

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