Monday, June 13, 2016

Having Fun Finishing Up Second Grade

Whenever the end of the school year gets near I start to feel this weird combination of excitement and anxiety.  Even when I'm not teaching, the sense of imminent freedom is exciting, but the end of the school year means the end of predictable routines, and, in an expat community, it means saying good bye to friends who are finishing their tour and moving on.  It's a crazy time of year, so the best way to deal with it is to have as much fun as possible.

The next to last week was all about wrapping things up.  Vivian had her final swim lesson, and they got to play lots of games.

She also had her class music share.  Last year she was a little scared to stand in front of everyone and sing.  This year, she got a friend to sing along with her, and she wrote an original song for them.  Jeff made a point of coming to see the performance.  We're proud of her and can't wait to see where this musical path will take her next.

That was also the week Jeff had to go back to Raja's to finalize the fitting on his jacket.

He wanted my opinion on it.  I had come downtown that morning with friends.  They had to go back to Nichada, and Jeff had to work right up until his fitting time.  I had no problem having lunch alone though.  My kindle and I went back to the tapas place.  This time I got a picture of the fideua.

Tough life, I know ;-)

The weekend started with more fun stuff for me, even though it was a sort of bittersweet.  One of my best friends is leaving this summer.  She and I and another friend all have young kids, so a special treat for us was an uninterrupted night away and leisurely morning.  I picked the Anantara Riverside Resort for us.  It's still "Bangkok", but on the other side of the river with a huge, beautiful piece of property.  I definitely need to go back with Jeff for a staycation. Even though our mom training didn't allow any of us to sleep past 7:30, that was still better than our usual wake up time, and we spent over an hour at breakfast enjoying the river views and going back to the huge buffet.

Since I ditched my family for the first part of the weekend, we finished the weekend with a family trip to Kidzoona.  Jeff hadn't been to Kidzoon before, but he quickly got into the swing of things.

It was definitely a special treat to have Daddy there.  The best part about Kidzoona though, is that there's plenty for the kids to entertain themselves with, without an adult having to participate.

After all that fun, we were ready for the last week of school.  The whole second grade has been working on projects about endangered animals.  For the final presentations, the parents were invited to the classrooms and a grade-wide pot luck lunch.  Vivian chose to research the slow loris, a fascinating creature I had never heard of before this.  The most memorable detail about them is that they are the only poisonous mammal.  They secrete a toxin from their underarm area, which they lick and put on their teeth before biting.  Yikes!  Vivian was part of a group that decided to do a newscast about the slow loris.  Of course, she was the main newscaster with her own little microphone.

She did a great job.  As a treat for doing so well in second grade, I took her and a friend of hers who is leaving out for super waffles.

It's tough saying goodbye.  One of Elena's super buddies is also leaving.

The last day of school was a half day, and that afternoon we went to a big pool party for two families that are leaving and that we are friends with.  I know the summer will bring new adventures and new friends, but every so often I have to be sad about the friends who are going.

Still, I'm a focus on the positive kind of person.  In order to avoid too much gloom and doom, I made sure we had something to look forward to, a beach trip! Beach blog coming soon :-)

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